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Great answers to frequently asked questions e.g. making time for professional development and the value of networking

LIS New Professional's Toolkit

I’ve been over at MMU again today, this time talking to the MA Library and Information Management students about the value of professional organisations.

I always enjoy talking to new professionals. It leaves me feeling very energised, and optimistic about the future of the profession! As well as the slides above, I did 10 minutes on Voices for the Library, as they were unable to send a current member as rep to MMU this year.

The group came up with some really interesting questions about professional organisations and campaigning which raised some good points I haven’t covered, so I’ll summarise some of the questions and my responses.

Campaigning: why can’t people employed by local authorities campaign against them? Does this apply to all jobs?

If you work for a local authority, it’s likely to be in your contract or conditions of employment that you’re not allowed to undertake any actions that might be a conflict…

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